Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Achy joints and firedrills

Last night my annual flu bug hit. I seem to get this at least once a year. It's not the stomach flu, so I can definitely live with it. It's the typical achy joints and neck, fever, burning eyes, sore throat, etc. I could feel it coming on yesterday during the second half of Old Testament History, so last night I after finishing a minimal amount of homework, I watched a movie (because it was way too early to go to bed yet) and hit the sack by 9:00.

This morning is when things got interesting. I woke up around 8:20 and was trying to decide if I was feeling well enough to try and make it to the next class, when all of a sudden the fire alarm goes off. oh, great. I quickly threw on some clothes and trooped outside with everyone else.

And the funny is.....the firedrill was unintentional. Apparently one of the maintenance guys accidentally bumped one of the alarms. Oops!

For those concerned, I am feeling quite a bit better today, but still have the aches, so I'm laying low. Basically, I'm feeling well enough that I feel guilty for lying around, but still sick enough that my body tells me so when I try to be up and around. I know my body well enough to know better than to try and push it too soon.

Currently Watching
Fiddler on the Roof (Special Edition)
By Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey, Molly Picon, Paul Mann

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