Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Pending doom

"Really?  You're posting about the weather?"
This California girl still finds Michigan fascinating.

Don't let the glimpse of green outside fool you.  The temps are supposed to stay in the 40's between now and Sunday.  Brrr!

But not the end of the world.  :)  Time to bundle up!

Friday, October 18, 2013

The easiest and the hardest

"Prayer is the easiest and hardest of all things; the simplest and the sublimest; the weakest and the most powerful; its results lie outside the range of human possibilities - the are limited only the omnipotence of God."  -E.M. Bounds

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Block 3

Here at NTBI the semester is split up into five blocks, and Monday saw the beginning of the third block.  We're almost half way through the fall semester!  <whew>  Hard to believe.  Following are the current class schedules:

8:00 - Hermeneutics 1
10:00-11:50 Pentateuch  (They finished Genesis this morning.)

8:00 - Anthropology/Hamartiology
10:00-11:50 - Life of Christ

8:00 - Angelology
10:00-11:50 - Romans

Chapel is during the 9:00 hour and electives are in the afternoons.  Current electives are Ruth/Song of Solomon/Ecclesiastes; Psalms; Foundations for Learning; and Christian Apologetics.

Good stuff.  :)

An afternoon elective.  The class sizes vary.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Happy anniversary, Grandpa!

Today marks two years that Grandpa's faith has been sight.  I still picture him working in heaven's gardens with a brand new hard hat, but constantly getting distracted as he sees one of the disciples or other saints of old.  He's probably still asking questions.  :)

July 2, 1925 - October 4, 2011