Monday, September 3, 2007

Freshmen classes

"The key to doing away with [gender and race bias] mythologies isn't challenging attitudes, but talking differently. Words don't describe reality; they create reality. We will never form a society free from such prejudice, they believe, unless we control the words and language upon which that prejudice is based. The political-correctness movement isn’t just an attempt to keep from hurting people’s feelings, but an attempt to create different kinds of people by changing the cultural environment." THE DEATH OF TRUTH, “Postmodernism and ‘The Myth of Progress’” pg. 48-49

Let's all call a snake a dove.... The whole "politically correct" thing has confused me for so long. This totally brings it into a new light. Absolutely amazing.

Today being Labor Day we do not have any classes. (Yay!) It has been a nice quiet morning and I've been able to get quite a bit of homework and studying done. Following are the classes I am currently taking:

BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS - Learning objective statement: "Upon completion of this course the student will have a basic understanding of the progression of Biblical revelation as well as the major themes in Scripture. This will give the student a solid foundation for further Biblical studies."
(In this class we are basically going through the entire Bible in a matter of fifteen days. Whoosh! Obviously we do not go into much depth, but it shows how the Bible is one continuous story.)

BIBLIOLOGY - Learning objective: " For students to understand the necessity of God's revelation to man; to see the uniqueness of the Bible and to understands its claim of inspiration; to understand why the 66 books of the Bible are the only books to be included in the canon of Scripture; to understand how accurate our Scriptures are in comparison with the originals; to be convinced that the Bible can be relied upon as an adequate source of God's revelation to man; to understand the process of translation and the basic characteristics of English translation."

EVANGELISM FOR A POSTMODERN WORLD - Learning objective: "Upon completion of this course the student will be able to discover ad evaluate different worldviews with the purpose of clearly communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the unsaved."

They are all very good classes and I really like my teachers as well. I think the evangelism class is probably my favorite simply because I am learning so much. I almost feel my brain stretching. The homework and require reading takes up the bulk of my time when not in class, but I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am thrilled to know I have two full years of this ahead of me, Lord willing.

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