The semester is over. And what a semester it was. Classes
officially ended on Thursday (with four tests. whew!!), we celebrated
with a dorm Christmas party at our dorm parents' that evening, Friday we
cleaned the dorm from top to bottom and packed for Christmas break
(Rochelle and I managed to do a cleaning job for our dorm parents that
afternoon as well), Saturday was graduation, good-byes, tears, and hugs,
and then Rochelle, Hanna and I loaded up the car and turned our sights
to New York state. In spite of the ice storm that hit the New England
states, the roads were very dry and we had perfectly clear weather. It
was a fun road trip, but BOY was I glad to pull into that snowy driveway
and be rescued by Mr. Seth. (My poor little car couldn't quite make it
up their long, hilly driveway.) We crashed into bed around 4:30 Sunday
We managed to grab a few hours of sleep before church,
then yesterday afternoon we again piled into the car and wound our way
through mountain roads and charming Vermont villages that were all
decked out for Christmas following the map as best we could before
arriving at our final destination in New Hampshire. And now we're with
FAMILY! I have been longing to spend time with Rochelle's family. It
is interesting how someone can be such an encouragement when you've
never actually met them. Rochelle's family has been missionaries with
NTM for the past 20+ years, and I have been so encouraged and challenged
by her parents' testimony and example of following the Lord in His
And now we have three glorious days stretching out before us before I fly home. Ah, friends. Family. I am blessed.
What exactly is the purpose of this blog? Random life tidbits and hopefully a means of encouraging others along the way.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Meet the little man

I'm an auntie!

Proud daddy, happy mommy, and little Jacob Lee.
I can't wait to see him at Christmas!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
How did it get to be November? How did it get to be almost the middle of November?? Ah, well.
Greetings from a cold Michigan! There have been snow flakes flurrying around in the air the last few days. Saturday I landed a raking job with my good friend Rochelle. The job stretched into five hours, and the rain and snow held off until just as we were finishing. It was quite the job, but it felt good to be doing something more physical. But oh, my achin' back the next day! Whew! They were a dear old couple, and we really enjoyed the day in spite of the cold. (It stayed in the low 40's.) We warmed up by sharing a pumpkin spice latte on the way home.
The lady would like us to come back this Saturday too, which is an answer to prayer. I have not been able to find a job yet, and I am really going to need one for next semester. Money has never been a concern for me, and it has been another area in which "exercise my faith muscles" and trust God to provide. I would appreciate your prayers in this matter. As you are praying, please keep Rochelle in mind as well. She is a "missionary kid" from Guinea, W. Africa and has become a very close friend. She too has been unable to find a job, and she is just barely making it financially. God has been faithful to bring in just what she needs when she needs it, which has been a very encouraging lesson in faith for the both of us. It is going to take a miracle for her to make the initial payment in January, but we serve a big God. Thank you for praying with us. It means so much to me whenever someone tells me that they are praying for me. If you would like to help financially in any way, please feel free to message me for more information. (For those who might not know, New Tribes Bible Institute is the first phase of training for New Tribes Mission.)
As a little side note, I filled up my gas tank yesterday for an amazing $1.96/gal. Who would have thought! I don't know what gas prices are like in the rest of the country, but they have been simply plummeting here. Hopefully it will keep up this trend through Thanksgiving. I am planning to drive down to IN to spend the holiday with my uncle and his family. My friend Hanna (another MK from Guinea) will be going down with me. Should be fun!
Classes are going very well. It is hard to believe that my brain can actually hold anything more. The phrase "drinking out of a fire hydrant" can definitely apply to my studies here at NTBI. I am currently taking Ephesians, 1 & 2 Peter, Soteriology (the doctrine of salvation), Christian Apologetics, and Covenant/Reformed Theology. It has been neat to see how much Ephesians and Peter overlaps. A few weeks ago I sat down to read Ephesians (I needed a break from Romans), and I was completely overwhelmed by what God has done for me. Read the first three chapters and make note of how many times the phrases "in Christ," "in Him" is used. And it was all according to the kind intention of God's will. It was His pleasure! Amazing. Part of our homework for this class has been to read through the book each night. That is a good way to get familiar with it. And each time I read it, I notice something new. God is continually and faithfully changing and conforming my thinking to His. It is a beautiful thing.
"The word of God is living and active..."
Hanna, Rochelle, and me. Dear friends.
Greetings from a cold Michigan! There have been snow flakes flurrying around in the air the last few days. Saturday I landed a raking job with my good friend Rochelle. The job stretched into five hours, and the rain and snow held off until just as we were finishing. It was quite the job, but it felt good to be doing something more physical. But oh, my achin' back the next day! Whew! They were a dear old couple, and we really enjoyed the day in spite of the cold. (It stayed in the low 40's.) We warmed up by sharing a pumpkin spice latte on the way home.
The lady would like us to come back this Saturday too, which is an answer to prayer. I have not been able to find a job yet, and I am really going to need one for next semester. Money has never been a concern for me, and it has been another area in which "exercise my faith muscles" and trust God to provide. I would appreciate your prayers in this matter. As you are praying, please keep Rochelle in mind as well. She is a "missionary kid" from Guinea, W. Africa and has become a very close friend. She too has been unable to find a job, and she is just barely making it financially. God has been faithful to bring in just what she needs when she needs it, which has been a very encouraging lesson in faith for the both of us. It is going to take a miracle for her to make the initial payment in January, but we serve a big God. Thank you for praying with us. It means so much to me whenever someone tells me that they are praying for me. If you would like to help financially in any way, please feel free to message me for more information. (For those who might not know, New Tribes Bible Institute is the first phase of training for New Tribes Mission.)
As a little side note, I filled up my gas tank yesterday for an amazing $1.96/gal. Who would have thought! I don't know what gas prices are like in the rest of the country, but they have been simply plummeting here. Hopefully it will keep up this trend through Thanksgiving. I am planning to drive down to IN to spend the holiday with my uncle and his family. My friend Hanna (another MK from Guinea) will be going down with me. Should be fun!
Classes are going very well. It is hard to believe that my brain can actually hold anything more. The phrase "drinking out of a fire hydrant" can definitely apply to my studies here at NTBI. I am currently taking Ephesians, 1 & 2 Peter, Soteriology (the doctrine of salvation), Christian Apologetics, and Covenant/Reformed Theology. It has been neat to see how much Ephesians and Peter overlaps. A few weeks ago I sat down to read Ephesians (I needed a break from Romans), and I was completely overwhelmed by what God has done for me. Read the first three chapters and make note of how many times the phrases "in Christ," "in Him" is used. And it was all according to the kind intention of God's will. It was His pleasure! Amazing. Part of our homework for this class has been to read through the book each night. That is a good way to get familiar with it. And each time I read it, I notice something new. God is continually and faithfully changing and conforming my thinking to His. It is a beautiful thing.
"The word of God is living and active..."

Hanna, Rochelle, and me. Dear friends.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
In lieu of a journal entry
Where do I begin? I am into my second week of school and already
my head and my heart are filled to overflowing. I really should be
writing this in my journal, but right now there are too many thoughts in
my head to try to use a pen and paper. My typing can keep up with my
thoughts so much better. That being said, this entry is more for my
benefit than anything else.
How do I put these thoughts into words? Again, how do I begin? I am experiencing so much from God's word and am continuing to realize all that He has been teaching me over the past year. What has happened just since returning to school? My perspective has been put to right. My vision has been refocused. I have come to grips with the fact that I have not been trusting the Lord as I should. I've been trying to hold on to something that was not worth holding on to. Something that maybe didn't even exist in the first place. Perhaps? Or perhaps (and this I believe is the case) I was not fully willing to open my hands and trust God with the direction that He is taking me. Trust is scary. Commitment is scary. But why? I know the character of God. I know that His ways are so, so much greater than my ways. I know that this life is extremely temporary.
And I know that thousands of people are dying and going to hell because they do not have the opportunity to hear the gospel. This is reality. There is no way I can escape it. I do not want to escape it.
I was sharing some of these thoughts with my dorm mate and she asked if I really believed that, or was it simply from being back in the bubble of New Tribes. Of course the "bubble" and the teaching has had a big effect on me, but if I am truly honest I know I have been stuffing this reality during the summer. Missions? Really? As in very possibly leaving the states? Learning a new language and culture? But there is so much need right here in America! My experience at camp was absolutely wonderful. Being in full-time ministry was the most fulfilling thing I've ever done. I could easily see myself doing camp ministry for the rest of my life. And there are so many children who need to know about the love of God!
But what about those who do not have the gospel in their language? At least in the states the gospel is available and extremely accessible. Does that mean that everyone in the states has heard the gospel? No, of course not. But at least they have the opportunity. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17
I am excited for what God has in store for me this year. Where will He lead after I graduate in May? Time will tell. But I know that it will be in the work of spreading His gospel one way or the other. I do not know what that will look like at this point. It could be support work. It could be tribal church planting. But I am open to wherever He leads. If I do not follow Him, my life will be meaningless.
How do I put these thoughts into words? Again, how do I begin? I am experiencing so much from God's word and am continuing to realize all that He has been teaching me over the past year. What has happened just since returning to school? My perspective has been put to right. My vision has been refocused. I have come to grips with the fact that I have not been trusting the Lord as I should. I've been trying to hold on to something that was not worth holding on to. Something that maybe didn't even exist in the first place. Perhaps? Or perhaps (and this I believe is the case) I was not fully willing to open my hands and trust God with the direction that He is taking me. Trust is scary. Commitment is scary. But why? I know the character of God. I know that His ways are so, so much greater than my ways. I know that this life is extremely temporary.
And I know that thousands of people are dying and going to hell because they do not have the opportunity to hear the gospel. This is reality. There is no way I can escape it. I do not want to escape it.
I was sharing some of these thoughts with my dorm mate and she asked if I really believed that, or was it simply from being back in the bubble of New Tribes. Of course the "bubble" and the teaching has had a big effect on me, but if I am truly honest I know I have been stuffing this reality during the summer. Missions? Really? As in very possibly leaving the states? Learning a new language and culture? But there is so much need right here in America! My experience at camp was absolutely wonderful. Being in full-time ministry was the most fulfilling thing I've ever done. I could easily see myself doing camp ministry for the rest of my life. And there are so many children who need to know about the love of God!
But what about those who do not have the gospel in their language? At least in the states the gospel is available and extremely accessible. Does that mean that everyone in the states has heard the gospel? No, of course not. But at least they have the opportunity. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17
I am excited for what God has in store for me this year. Where will He lead after I graduate in May? Time will tell. But I know that it will be in the work of spreading His gospel one way or the other. I do not know what that will look like at this point. It could be support work. It could be tribal church planting. But I am open to wherever He leads. If I do not follow Him, my life will be meaningless.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
yet to be determined...
How does one condense 500+ pictures and seven weeks of memories
and stories into a reasonable post? I've been going through my pictures
from camp, editing, deleting, etc. and trying to decide how best to
share about my summer working as a counselor deep in the South.
HELP!! Maybe I should just go to bed and try again tomorrow. Yes, that's it. Avoiding an issue always solves the problem.
Good night.
.......oh, all right. Here are a few sample pictures for now. Enjoy!

Just like "The Parent Trap!"

The first week a couple of my girls thought it would be fun to sleep on the floor in their sleeping bags. By the end of the week ten out of twelve were no longer in their beds. Interestingly enough, this was the only group of girls that asked if they could have a pillowfight.

Camp out night. Alicia was my co-chief. (The counselors were all referred to as chief.)

The early morning hike back into camp after camp out. This was one of my favorite parts of the week. As you get to the top of the rise the lake is just eye level and was always covered in a mist. Beautiful.

My first week of camp turned out to be a lot different that I expected. I was pulled last minute and sent as one of the counselors for the white water rafting trip the camp has for the 13- and 14-year olds.

My fellow rafting chief Beth. My hair is the result of a long bus ride with junior high girls.
Incidentally, I came home with a very large dose of Mississippi in my blood. I can't wait to go back again.
HELP!! Maybe I should just go to bed and try again tomorrow. Yes, that's it. Avoiding an issue always solves the problem.
Good night.
.......oh, all right. Here are a few sample pictures for now. Enjoy!

Just like "The Parent Trap!"

The first week a couple of my girls thought it would be fun to sleep on the floor in their sleeping bags. By the end of the week ten out of twelve were no longer in their beds. Interestingly enough, this was the only group of girls that asked if they could have a pillowfight.

Camp out night. Alicia was my co-chief. (The counselors were all referred to as chief.)

The early morning hike back into camp after camp out. This was one of my favorite parts of the week. As you get to the top of the rise the lake is just eye level and was always covered in a mist. Beautiful.

My first week of camp turned out to be a lot different that I expected. I was pulled last minute and sent as one of the counselors for the white water rafting trip the camp has for the 13- and 14-year olds.

My fellow rafting chief Beth. My hair is the result of a long bus ride with junior high girls.

Incidentally, I came home with a very large dose of Mississippi in my blood. I can't wait to go back again.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
You know you've spent the summer at camp when... see a spider in your room and think, "Oh, cool! A spider!"
I had the most wonderful time at camp. I love Mississippi! I am so thankful the Lord allowed me this opportunity. It was one of the best summers I've ever had. A more detailed post will soon follow. (With pictures!)
I had the most wonderful time at camp. I love Mississippi! I am so thankful the Lord allowed me this opportunity. It was one of the best summers I've ever had. A more detailed post will soon follow. (With pictures!)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Signing off?
The seniors have graduated, the good-byes have been said, and the
tears have finally stopped. (More or less anyway.) My first year at
New Tribes is completed, and I can't wait to go back again in August.
It was so hard saying good-bye to so many people. I never would have
guessed that I would become so close in such a relatively short length
of time. Right now I am down ("down" from Michigan, that is) in Ohio
with Liz my RA. We will be leaving early Monday morning to drive down
to camp in Mississippi. I'm not sure how much internet access I will
have while I'm down there, so this might be a final post of sorts, at
least until I go home in July.
I appreciate all your prayers. It is so strange to be moving on to something else completely new like this right after finishing school, but I'm looking forward to it. Right now I am still tired from all the emotions and happenings of that last week at school, but I know God's grace will be sufficient. I am praying that during the course of the summer the Lord will turn all of the knowledge that has been crammed into my head over the last eight months and turn it into "shoe leather" wisdom.
As a side note, I will post my mailing address as a protected post. If you don't know whether or not you are on my list, just check. : ) Or just message me and I'll send it to you that way. Mail will be most appreciated! (hint, hint) Since I won't be counting on xanga for updating, I'll have to do some snail mail myself.
Until we meet again, God bless!
I appreciate all your prayers. It is so strange to be moving on to something else completely new like this right after finishing school, but I'm looking forward to it. Right now I am still tired from all the emotions and happenings of that last week at school, but I know God's grace will be sufficient. I am praying that during the course of the summer the Lord will turn all of the knowledge that has been crammed into my head over the last eight months and turn it into "shoe leather" wisdom.
As a side note, I will post my mailing address as a protected post. If you don't know whether or not you are on my list, just check. : ) Or just message me and I'll send it to you that way. Mail will be most appreciated! (hint, hint) Since I won't be counting on xanga for updating, I'll have to do some snail mail myself.
Until we meet again, God bless!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Next on the agenda...
Classes are over and the school (or at least our dorm) is in a packing frenzy. That's all I have time for right now.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Nephew or niece?
I'm going to be an aunt!! Congratulations, Seth and Mel!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

A couple days ago I was asked the following question: "If you were stuck on a deserted island with any one person, who would it be?"
Mom, I realized that I would pick you. I love you. I will never be able to fully express how grateful I am for all that you had done in and for my life.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Class picture
How do I even begin to describe how dear these people have become to me over the past school year? My time here at school has been so richly blessed. These relationship will last beyond a lifetime. Heaven is going to be a wonderful place. I can not place a value on the knowledge I have gained can here either. The other day one of the deans said that he had figured up that in order to receive the same Bible teaching we are being taught in eighteen months, the average person would have to attend church for forty-three years. Wow. What a privilege.
Special times. Brothers and sisters for life.
Monday, May 5, 2008
What does it really mean to be a Christian?
I am currently working on a paper for my 1 Corinthians class on
"Christians and sin and holiness." We are required to address the
following questions in the paper:
- Is God concerned with a believer's conduct or holiness in life?
- Can a believer sin?
- Can a believer lose their salvation because of poor conduct or sin?
- Is a person's sinful lifestyle just proof that their faith wasn't genuine? They were never saved otherwise they wouldn't have sinned habitually?
- Can a person who lives a wicked lifestyle be a saved person?
- What are the biblical factors that motivate a believer to a life of holiness? Fellowship with God? Chastening? Reward? Ministry? Christ's love? Are there others?
- Is a faithful walk possible for the believer? If so, how is it possible?
- Will God reward faithfulness?
- If so, when will God reward faithfulness?
- On what basis will actions or conduct be evaluated? What is unacceptable? What is acceptable?
- If God rewards faithfulness, what are those rewards?
- Are rewards eternal? Or are they temporary? Do we give away any rewards that we receive? Many teach that the elders casting the crowns before the throne is proof that rewards are returned to Christ. How do you view this position biblically?
- How should these truths impact your life?
Fascinating study! It has provided much food for thought. The book noted below has been very interesting so far too. (I'm only on chapter 2.)
- Is God concerned with a believer's conduct or holiness in life?
- Can a believer sin?
- Can a believer lose their salvation because of poor conduct or sin?
- Is a person's sinful lifestyle just proof that their faith wasn't genuine? They were never saved otherwise they wouldn't have sinned habitually?
- Can a person who lives a wicked lifestyle be a saved person?
- What are the biblical factors that motivate a believer to a life of holiness? Fellowship with God? Chastening? Reward? Ministry? Christ's love? Are there others?
- Is a faithful walk possible for the believer? If so, how is it possible?
- Will God reward faithfulness?
- If so, when will God reward faithfulness?
- On what basis will actions or conduct be evaluated? What is unacceptable? What is acceptable?
- If God rewards faithfulness, what are those rewards?
- Are rewards eternal? Or are they temporary? Do we give away any rewards that we receive? Many teach that the elders casting the crowns before the throne is proof that rewards are returned to Christ. How do you view this position biblically?
- How should these truths impact your life?
Fascinating study! It has provided much food for thought. The book noted below has been very interesting so far too. (I'm only on chapter 2.)
Currently Reading Grace in Eclipse By Zane Hodges see related |
Friday, May 2, 2008
Summer plans
I seem to have quite unintentionally alarmed several people with
yesterday's post. No, I am not going to Africa or China. (Not at this
point anyway.) It is actually quite mild compared to anything like
that. I've simply received my orders for this summer...

I will be working as a counselor at a Christian summer camp down in Mississippi from May 19 - July 12 (approximately), and I am totally thrilled. The cause of yesterday's post was because initially when the assistant director called, he asked if I would be willing to work with the rafting program. "Rafting? As in white-water?" Sounds fun, BUT .... I've never had any experience in a boat of any sort, and to be asked to be in charge of a group of 13-14 year old girls, setting up camp every night, cooking over the fire....Whoa. Intimidating!! Can I really do that?? "Well, Lord, I did tell you I would be willing to do whatever they needed me to do." So I said "yes, I'll do it" after a few questions to clarify what my responsibilities would be, etc. He had a couple more things to confirm with a few other people, but said he's call back shortly.
In that length of time I was able to have a good talk with God and be reminded that no matter where God leads me, He will provide for whatever I need. Helping to lead a rafting trip would definitely stretch me, but I was willing to go with it. Whew! Trust God. It's a good place to be. I am learning not to shy away from the unknown.
All that to say that when he called back, he said they decided to have me be a girls counselor. Bummer? A little bit. The camp program is for younger ages (7-12) and I am confident that I will find myself in "stretching" experiences even on dry ground at camp. (Crying, homesick children waking me up in the middle of the night, wet beds, learning to work with the other staff, etc.) He did mention the possibility of having me go through the lifeguard training too. Now there's something I never would have considered.
I am really looking forward to the summer, but I have a feeling it is going to fly by at the same time. Classes end May 15, the seniors graduate on May 17, and May 18 will find Liz and I loaded into her car and headed for the South. Whoo-hoo! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I will have roughly three weeks at home before heading back to school for the next semester. Whew! Life is an adventure when you walk with the Lord.

I will be working as a counselor at a Christian summer camp down in Mississippi from May 19 - July 12 (approximately), and I am totally thrilled. The cause of yesterday's post was because initially when the assistant director called, he asked if I would be willing to work with the rafting program. "Rafting? As in white-water?" Sounds fun, BUT .... I've never had any experience in a boat of any sort, and to be asked to be in charge of a group of 13-14 year old girls, setting up camp every night, cooking over the fire....Whoa. Intimidating!! Can I really do that?? "Well, Lord, I did tell you I would be willing to do whatever they needed me to do." So I said "yes, I'll do it" after a few questions to clarify what my responsibilities would be, etc. He had a couple more things to confirm with a few other people, but said he's call back shortly.
In that length of time I was able to have a good talk with God and be reminded that no matter where God leads me, He will provide for whatever I need. Helping to lead a rafting trip would definitely stretch me, but I was willing to go with it. Whew! Trust God. It's a good place to be. I am learning not to shy away from the unknown.
All that to say that when he called back, he said they decided to have me be a girls counselor. Bummer? A little bit. The camp program is for younger ages (7-12) and I am confident that I will find myself in "stretching" experiences even on dry ground at camp. (Crying, homesick children waking me up in the middle of the night, wet beds, learning to work with the other staff, etc.) He did mention the possibility of having me go through the lifeguard training too. Now there's something I never would have considered.
I am really looking forward to the summer, but I have a feeling it is going to fly by at the same time. Classes end May 15, the seniors graduate on May 17, and May 18 will find Liz and I loaded into her car and headed for the South. Whoo-hoo! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I will have roughly three weeks at home before heading back to school for the next semester. Whew! Life is an adventure when you walk with the Lord.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
This afternoon I was reminded that when you tell God you are
willing to do "whatever He wants you to do," you had better be prepared
to take whatever comes your way.
More details to follow. (Have I mentioned that a life lived for Christ is anything but boring?)
More details to follow. (Have I mentioned that a life lived for Christ is anything but boring?)
Currently Reading Called to Be Saints : An Exposition of 1.Corinthians By Robert Gromacki see related |
Thursday, April 17, 2008
I was awakened by a phone call around 2:00 this morning with some news that has
blessed me immensely. My former boss of nine years, and good
friend, called to let me know that his wife had safely delivered a baby
girl. And the name of this dear little one?
Esther Joy. My own little name sake. She was also named after her maternal grandmother. The very early wake up call was totally worth it. Welcome to the world, little Esther Joy!
Suffice it to say, "big" Esther Joy is mighty pleased. I can't seem to stop smiling.
Esther Joy. My own little name sake. She was also named after her maternal grandmother. The very early wake up call was totally worth it. Welcome to the world, little Esther Joy!
Suffice it to say, "big" Esther Joy is mighty pleased. I can't seem to stop smiling.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
April 9, 1977

They've been pulling together through life for thirty-one years now, and they're still loving it.
Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!
Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Back at school. My week at home was perfect. By the time spring break rolled around (oops! I mean Easter
break. Sorry, Gregg.), I was still going strong, and really felt like I
could make it to the end of the semester without the break. A good
thing! But the break was an even better thing. Getting away from the
school allowed me to look at things from a different perspective and to
evaluate how things are going this semester. I really
appreciated spending time with my family too. As much as I am looking
forward to the opportunity of working at a camp this summer (Lord
willing), I will really miss being at home and going to family camp and
Mt. Rainier. Ah, well. Such is life.
On with the day!
By the way, the weather is BEAUTIFUL here!! It's not nearly as green as home, but it is so much warmer than it was when I left, and the snow is blissfully absent from the scenery. Spring is definitely here, and the robins are simply another welcome confirmation of the fact.
On with the day!
By the way, the weather is BEAUTIFUL here!! It's not nearly as green as home, but it is so much warmer than it was when I left, and the snow is blissfully absent from the scenery. Spring is definitely here, and the robins are simply another welcome confirmation of the fact.

Thursday, April 3, 2008
Coffee with Mom

This is one of my favorite parts about being home. Sometimes we'll just be in the living room with our feet propped up on our massive coffee table, but yesterday we took advantage of the wonderful early spring weather. We "inherited" this swing from the previous homeowners, and we have certainly enjoyed it. I had forgotten how wonderful the smells of spring are here in the valley. Mmmmm. Delightful.
I still have two more glorious days at home. Hurrah!!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The surprise was a complete success. I flew home for spring break
unbeknownst to my family. (Mark was the only one who was in-the-know.) I had plane troubles in Denver and had to hang around
for an extra five hours. I wasn't sure if Mom and Dad would still be
awake by the time I made it home (dear friend Michelle had kindly agreed
to pick me up from the airport), but there was no need for worry. Mark
to the rescue! When he found out I was stuck in Denver, he called up
the folks: "How about watching 'The Two Towers' tonight?" Perfect.
They were all wrapped up in the movie when I quietly walked in the front
door. Even Peter had gotten off work earlier than usual that night, so
the whole family was there. I was standing just off to the side of
Dad's recliner when he noticed I was there. He stared at me blankly for
a moment, and then his mouth dropped open. Their reactions were
perfect. "What are you doing here?!" And hugs all around.
It is nice to be home for a bit, especially since I don't know how much I'll be home this summer. I have applied to work at a camp in Mississippi (bring on the humidity and friendly southern mosquitoes), so it will depend on how long they need me, etc. I have also asked to consider being a student leader at school next year, and they will be having a training retreat for all of us a week or so before school starts, so I'll have to be back there early for that too. But it's all right. I am excited for these new opportunities and for all that I will be learning.
And, yes. I am loving this weather. I didn't realize how much I missed GREEN until I looked out my window Saturday morning. Wow!! There are LEAVES on the trees!! Beautiful!
It is nice to be home for a bit, especially since I don't know how much I'll be home this summer. I have applied to work at a camp in Mississippi (bring on the humidity and friendly southern mosquitoes), so it will depend on how long they need me, etc. I have also asked to consider being a student leader at school next year, and they will be having a training retreat for all of us a week or so before school starts, so I'll have to be back there early for that too. But it's all right. I am excited for these new opportunities and for all that I will be learning.
And, yes. I am loving this weather. I didn't realize how much I missed GREEN until I looked out my window Saturday morning. Wow!! There are LEAVES on the trees!! Beautiful!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Today has felt like an early spring day back home. Not too cold, and wonderful, glorious rain!
But now the rain has turned into gigantic, sloppy snow flakes. Oh,
well. Spring will come. Eventually.
We started a new block of classes yesterday: Christology, Acts, and I Corinthians. I am super excited about Acts and Corinthians. So good!! We have whopper papers due in all three classes, but I don't mind. The thought of a 2700 word paper doesn't scare like it would have last semester. I am continuing to learn so much. This morning as I was sitting in Christology I was praying that the Lord would help me to get more out of the class. I just didn't feel like I was getting what I should. He immediately smacked me in the forehead. (Spiritually speaking, of course.) I realized I was basing what I thought I was learning on my feelings. Just because I don't have the warm fuzzies, does not mean I am not learning. In fact, over the last several weeks I have discovered that I learned a whole lot more last semester than I realized. By immersing myself in God's word for hours and hours each day, God has been transforming my thinking. It is exciting to realize that that has been solely the work of the Holy Spirit. It is nothing I have done or can do in and of myself. It is all by the power of God's word. "The word of God is living and active." I find that everything that I take in throughout the day - teaching in class, media, conversations, books, movies, music, media, etc. - is being run through a filter, if you will, based on the word of God. "Is that right? What does the Bible say about that?" The crazy thing is that I first realized this was happening when I was singing in church. Part of the lyrics didn't quite line up, and I found myself thinking, "Wait a minute... That's not biblical." Wow.
God's word is amazing. Study it. Memorize it. It will change your life.
We started a new block of classes yesterday: Christology, Acts, and I Corinthians. I am super excited about Acts and Corinthians. So good!! We have whopper papers due in all three classes, but I don't mind. The thought of a 2700 word paper doesn't scare like it would have last semester. I am continuing to learn so much. This morning as I was sitting in Christology I was praying that the Lord would help me to get more out of the class. I just didn't feel like I was getting what I should. He immediately smacked me in the forehead. (Spiritually speaking, of course.) I realized I was basing what I thought I was learning on my feelings. Just because I don't have the warm fuzzies, does not mean I am not learning. In fact, over the last several weeks I have discovered that I learned a whole lot more last semester than I realized. By immersing myself in God's word for hours and hours each day, God has been transforming my thinking. It is exciting to realize that that has been solely the work of the Holy Spirit. It is nothing I have done or can do in and of myself. It is all by the power of God's word. "The word of God is living and active." I find that everything that I take in throughout the day - teaching in class, media, conversations, books, movies, music, media, etc. - is being run through a filter, if you will, based on the word of God. "Is that right? What does the Bible say about that?" The crazy thing is that I first realized this was happening when I was singing in church. Part of the lyrics didn't quite line up, and I found myself thinking, "Wait a minute... That's not biblical." Wow.
God's word is amazing. Study it. Memorize it. It will change your life.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
More room for growth
Our current block of classes is deliciously light on homework.
Only two classes - Anthropology & Hamartiology (man and sin), and
two hours of Life of Christ. Yesterday in Man & Sin we had a really
interesting discussion about where/how we receive the immaterial
aspects of our being (soul, spirit, personality, etc.) Do they come
from our parents? It is obvious that there are traits of our
personality that come from our parents, but what about our soul? I also
used to think that when a baby is conceived God gives them a soul at
that time. The soul is spiritual and uniquely our own. Of course it
doesn't come from the parents. (Again, my own original thought
process.) But if this is the case, how does the sin nature come into
play? If our soul comes from God, does that mean He gives us a corrupt
soul? That's doesn't seem to make sense. The Bible tells us that the
sin nature is passed down through the father, so do we somehow receive
our soul and spirit from our parents right along with our 46
chromosomes? Like I said, it was an interesting discussion.
But all that is just a side note. Acts will be one of the classes for our remaining two blocks, so I am reading ahead, in a sense, for my devotions. This morning I was reading the story of Peter's miraculous release from prison:
(The notes added in italics are my own commentary, if you will.)
"So Peter was kept in prison, but prayer was being made fervently by the church of God...And when Peter realized [he had been rescued], he went to the house of Mary...where many were gathered together and were praying. And when [Rhoda] recognized Peter's voice...ran in and announced that Peter (for whom they were fervently praying) was standing in front of the gate. And they said to her, 'You are out of your mind!' (Paraphrased: "You're crazy! Why would Peter be here? Afterall, we are praying to the all-powerful God of heaven and earth for his deliverance. What makes you think Peter would actually be here??" Hmmm...something doesn't seem to line up here.) ...And when they opened the door and saw [Peter], they were amazed." Acts 12:5, 12-16
You mean God really does answer our most "impossible" prayers? And why wouldn't He. Too often I am just like these early Christians. I find myself amazed when God responds positively to my prayers. Since coming back to NTBI after Christmas break, my growing knowledge and understanding of God keeps making Him bigger and bigger, but I am still trapped in a finite mind. I often find myself relating to the father of the demon possessed boy in Mark 9:
Lord, I do believe. Please help my unbelief.
But all that is just a side note. Acts will be one of the classes for our remaining two blocks, so I am reading ahead, in a sense, for my devotions. This morning I was reading the story of Peter's miraculous release from prison:
(The notes added in italics are my own commentary, if you will.)
"So Peter was kept in prison, but prayer was being made fervently by the church of God...And when Peter realized [he had been rescued], he went to the house of Mary...where many were gathered together and were praying. And when [Rhoda] recognized Peter's voice...ran in and announced that Peter (for whom they were fervently praying) was standing in front of the gate. And they said to her, 'You are out of your mind!' (Paraphrased: "You're crazy! Why would Peter be here? Afterall, we are praying to the all-powerful God of heaven and earth for his deliverance. What makes you think Peter would actually be here??" Hmmm...something doesn't seem to line up here.) ...And when they opened the door and saw [Peter], they were amazed." Acts 12:5, 12-16
You mean God really does answer our most "impossible" prayers? And why wouldn't He. Too often I am just like these early Christians. I find myself amazed when God responds positively to my prayers. Since coming back to NTBI after Christmas break, my growing knowledge and understanding of God keeps making Him bigger and bigger, but I am still trapped in a finite mind. I often find myself relating to the father of the demon possessed boy in Mark 9:
Lord, I do believe. Please help my unbelief.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
When it comes right down to it...
I'm considering working as a camp counselor this summer, and the following is taken from one of the applications:
"What is your conviction regarding the following topics and what standard of behavior have you set for yourself in each area?
Drinking alcoholic beverages
Non-prescribed drugs
Pre- or extramarital sex
Media/Entertainment (music, TV, movies, reading material, etc.)
(The list starts off pretty clear as far as definite convictions and standards, but it gets a bit more fuzzy towards the end. "Hmmm. What is my standard in this area? Do I even have one?" Now comes the clincher...)
"Please revisit the previous list and rate how successful you have been at keeping the standard you have set for yourself in each area. Beside each topic, write the number between 0 and 10 that best describes your degree of success in that area. If 0 = consistent, total failure and 10 = consistent, total perfection."
Yikes. Convicting?
"What is your conviction regarding the following topics and what standard of behavior have you set for yourself in each area?
Drinking alcoholic beverages
Non-prescribed drugs
Pre- or extramarital sex
Media/Entertainment (music, TV, movies, reading material, etc.)
(The list starts off pretty clear as far as definite convictions and standards, but it gets a bit more fuzzy towards the end. "Hmmm. What is my standard in this area? Do I even have one?" Now comes the clincher...)
"Please revisit the previous list and rate how successful you have been at keeping the standard you have set for yourself in each area. Beside each topic, write the number between 0 and 10 that best describes your degree of success in that area. If 0 = consistent, total failure and 10 = consistent, total perfection."
Yikes. Convicting?
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Esther is currently...
... working on her timeline for Dispensations and listening to Christmas music.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
A bit of trivia
I just learned that the dish machine we have in the kitchen came from a battleship. Pretty cool, eh?

"The Machine." It sounds like a battleship engine when it's on too. ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP...
The school will be replacing it this summer. They will go from a 60-gallon water guzzler to a 7-gallon environmentally friendly save-water-for-the-whales machine. Let's hear it for technology! It will be kind of sad to retire the ol' veteran though. He's served his country well.

"The Machine." It sounds like a battleship engine when it's on too. ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP, ka-THUMP...
The school will be replacing it this summer. They will go from a 60-gallon water guzzler to a 7-gallon environmentally friendly save-water-for-the-whales machine. Let's hear it for technology! It will be kind of sad to retire the ol' veteran though. He's served his country well.
Monday, February 25, 2008
A post!
In the four minutes it will take for my popcorn to finish popping, I am forcing myself
to sit down and write to you, my faithful readers. It's not that I
haven't been thinking about updating. All throughout the day I
have xanga material floating through my head, but it has been hard to
actually post it. For those who have been wondering, I am doing very
well. I am loaded down with homework right now, but the classes are
And yet, there is something different about this semester. Last semester I took time right after lunch to mentally unwind. I would check my email, xanga, etc. Now all I want to do is jump right into my studies as soon as I finish eating. I was talking with Mom and Dad about it just last night. "You're more hungry," Mom suggested. "Maybe God is preparing you for something."
Perhaps so. Whatever it is, I like it. But I do apologize for not being more faithful with my updates. That was one thing I was resolved to do better at this semester. "Surely one letter/post a week is do-able."
My popcorn is popped, and I have quite a bit of reading yet to do tonight for Dispensations. Fare thee well!
And yet, there is something different about this semester. Last semester I took time right after lunch to mentally unwind. I would check my email, xanga, etc. Now all I want to do is jump right into my studies as soon as I finish eating. I was talking with Mom and Dad about it just last night. "You're more hungry," Mom suggested. "Maybe God is preparing you for something."
Perhaps so. Whatever it is, I like it. But I do apologize for not being more faithful with my updates. That was one thing I was resolved to do better at this semester. "Surely one letter/post a week is do-able."
My popcorn is popped, and I have quite a bit of reading yet to do tonight for Dispensations. Fare thee well!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lunar eclipse

Hey, look! The moon is disappearing! How cool is that??

Gotta love the self-portraits.

Group picture. I should note that the temperature was a chilly 13*. (Greg, you're crazy! Go put some clothes on!) It really didn't feel too bad, because you simply go numb before long.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy Monday
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us REJOICE! and be glad in it."
That's all for now. :)
That's all for now. :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Here today, gone tomorrow
Yesterday, being Monday, several of us girls ate our lunch outside
in the cold and snow. (I am sorry I do not have pictures to show for
it.) Because our picnic tables have been put in storage for the winter,
we sat in the wooden play fort. There was roughly three inches of snow
on the ground, it was in the mid-30's with a slight breeze, and my
fingers were frozen by the time we were done. More than one person
(teachers included) declared us as "crazy" as we took our laden plates
out of the school. I must admit that I was slightly inclined to agree
with them. :)
And I am kicking myself for not having taken my camera out yesterday, because today the snow is completely GONE. Completely. It warmed up in the afternoon (40-ish) and we got quite a bit of rain during the evening/night. I had no idea snow could melt away so quickly. I am told there is supposed to be another storm coming in tonight, so hopefully the ground will be white when I wake up again tomorrow. If I am going to live in Michigan during the winter months, I might as well enjoy the full effects of a snowy winter. I may have to eat my words by the time April rolls around.

If you look really carefully you will see sitting in there. "Hi!"
As I side note, the following is what happens when I give my camera to Lindsey and ask her to take a picture for me...

Self portraits.

"Enough already!"
Funny friend. :)
And I am kicking myself for not having taken my camera out yesterday, because today the snow is completely GONE. Completely. It warmed up in the afternoon (40-ish) and we got quite a bit of rain during the evening/night. I had no idea snow could melt away so quickly. I am told there is supposed to be another storm coming in tonight, so hopefully the ground will be white when I wake up again tomorrow. If I am going to live in Michigan during the winter months, I might as well enjoy the full effects of a snowy winter. I may have to eat my words by the time April rolls around.

If you look really carefully you will see sitting in there. "Hi!"
As I side note, the following is what happens when I give my camera to Lindsey and ask her to take a picture for me...

Self portraits.

"Enough already!"
Funny friend. :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Hello, snow

Yesterday during sleep chapel I did just that: sleep. It began snowing during the first period, and when I woke up it was coming down in big, feathery flakes. It was fun watching it floating down as I was lying there. So pretty.
Just back from Greek class. AWESOME!! This class has been fantastic so far. And thankfully, my brain doesn't feel like it's about to explode. I'm actually getting it. And getting it quickly. (Or at least more quickly than I though I would.) The teacher is really good too.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Today in Prophets we were informed that there was a slight
discrepancy in our syllabus. It turns out that only Isaiah and
Zephaniah need to be read by Monday. Suddenly, my weekend feels much
more open. 
It is another sunny, blue, blue day. There is hardly a cloud in the sky.......which will definitely have an effect on the temperatures tonight. It is forecasted to drop down to 17* with a high 17* tomorrow. Brrr! Even now it is only 24* outside. Dad says it is time to get out the woollen long johns.
Tonight we are having a kick off dorm party complete with "The Mighty Ducks" (thanks, Josh!!) and brownie sundaes. Perfect.
Thank you for all who prayed for my roommate. God pushed her all the way to the day before she was supposed to return to school, and then provided over and above what she needed. This is the second time He has done this for her. Praise the Lord, every last one of the girls are back in room #325. God is good.

It is another sunny, blue, blue day. There is hardly a cloud in the sky.......which will definitely have an effect on the temperatures tonight. It is forecasted to drop down to 17* with a high 17* tomorrow. Brrr! Even now it is only 24* outside. Dad says it is time to get out the woollen long johns.
Tonight we are having a kick off dorm party complete with "The Mighty Ducks" (thanks, Josh!!) and brownie sundaes. Perfect.
Thank you for all who prayed for my roommate. God pushed her all the way to the day before she was supposed to return to school, and then provided over and above what she needed. This is the second time He has done this for her. Praise the Lord, every last one of the girls are back in room #325. God is good.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Say what?!
.....must be read by Monday. !!! It's a good thing I started reading during break. But even still I'm only on chapter 40 of Isaiah.
The book we are using for Greek Study Tools is really good. I appreciate the author's attitude. Following is a quote from his introduction:
"There are limitations to our approach, or what I like to call "baby Greek." You will not be learning the full language, and my concern is that you will forget that you know only a little. I’m going to give you the ability to sound authoritative by citing Greek and Hebrew words and grammar, and perhaps be completely wrong. I actually put off writing this book for several years because of this concern, but I finally came to the conclusion that it's not a little Greek that proves dangerous. It's a little bit of pride that proves dangerous.
"If you don't respect this fact, then these tools can become just another way in which you can be wrong."
I like that. It can apply to so many different areas of our lives.
I need someone good at English grammar to help me with my Greek homework.
.....must be read by Monday. !!! It's a good thing I started reading during break. But even still I'm only on chapter 40 of Isaiah.
The book we are using for Greek Study Tools is really good. I appreciate the author's attitude. Following is a quote from his introduction:
"There are limitations to our approach, or what I like to call "baby Greek." You will not be learning the full language, and my concern is that you will forget that you know only a little. I’m going to give you the ability to sound authoritative by citing Greek and Hebrew words and grammar, and perhaps be completely wrong. I actually put off writing this book for several years because of this concern, but I finally came to the conclusion that it's not a little Greek that proves dangerous. It's a little bit of pride that proves dangerous.
"If you don't respect this fact, then these tools can become just another way in which you can be wrong."
I like that. It can apply to so many different areas of our lives.
I need someone good at English grammar to help me with my Greek homework.

Currently Reading Greek for the Rest of Us: Using Greek Tools Without Mastering Biblical Languages By William D. Mounce see related |
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
On the street where I live

It is a beautiful day! To look outside you would think I was still in sunny California. With the exception of the snow, of course. The temperature is slightly colder than CA too...

From what I understand, these blue, sunny days are rare indeed for the winter in this part of the country.

Happy Wednesday!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Then again...
Oops! So much for getting to bed by 10:00. I just found out I have reading to do for my Greek Study Tools class tomorrow.
YIKES!! What have I gotten myself into??
YIKES!! What have I gotten myself into??
Ready for a new semester
Twelve hours of sleep can do wonders.
The snow flakes have been drifting down lightly all morning. I just finished registering for the rest of my classes and the rest of the day is pretty much open until orientation at 7:00 this evening.
When I walked into the dorm last night it was almost as if I had never left, which is not necessarily a good thing. While I was home on break I thought back over the semester and tried to evaluate what things worked well for me and what habits I need to change. I realized that it would be very (VERY) easy to slip right back into those habits that I want to change. Change of this sort will require a very conscious effort of my part. And always God's grace.
That being said, I am off for now to make sure my desk, binders, and papers are organized and ready for classes tomorrow. Happy Tuesday!
The snow flakes have been drifting down lightly all morning. I just finished registering for the rest of my classes and the rest of the day is pretty much open until orientation at 7:00 this evening.
When I walked into the dorm last night it was almost as if I had never left, which is not necessarily a good thing. While I was home on break I thought back over the semester and tried to evaluate what things worked well for me and what habits I need to change. I realized that it would be very (VERY) easy to slip right back into those habits that I want to change. Change of this sort will require a very conscious effort of my part. And always God's grace.
That being said, I am off for now to make sure my desk, binders, and papers are organized and ready for classes tomorrow. Happy Tuesday!
Monday, January 14, 2008
All good things...
...must come to an end, as the saying goes. It was
wonderful, WONDERFUL being home for a month. Loved every bit of it. (I
miss our afternoon coffee, Mom.)
My flights were uneventful and I find myself back in my room at school looking out on snow dusted buildings. The wind is blowing, but thankfully there is no new snow fallen. Orientation is tomorrow evening, and then we jump into classes bright and early on Wednesday. Following are the required sophomore classes I will be taking this semester:
Hermeneutics II (Dispensation)
Bible Basis for Missions
Life of Christ
I Corinthians (whew!!)For my electives I am registered for:
Greek Study Tools
Prayer Practicum
Islam (audit)
Partnership Development (audit)
If I make it through February without dying, I should survive the whole semester. :)
But for now I don't even want to think about classes. I have my suitcases to unpack and I have that I've-been-traveling-all-day-and-I'm-tired-and-borderline depressed-and-I'd-rather-be-sleeping-in-my-own-bed-in-California feeling. Ah, but no pity. A good night's sleep and I'll be as good as new tomorrow.
It is 5:15pm CA time, and Esther is going to bed.
My flights were uneventful and I find myself back in my room at school looking out on snow dusted buildings. The wind is blowing, but thankfully there is no new snow fallen. Orientation is tomorrow evening, and then we jump into classes bright and early on Wednesday. Following are the required sophomore classes I will be taking this semester:
Hermeneutics II (Dispensation)
Bible Basis for Missions
Life of Christ
I Corinthians (whew!!)For my electives I am registered for:
Greek Study Tools
Prayer Practicum
Islam (audit)
Partnership Development (audit)
If I make it through February without dying, I should survive the whole semester. :)
But for now I don't even want to think about classes. I have my suitcases to unpack and I have that I've-been-traveling-all-day-and-I'm-tired-and-borderline depressed-and-I'd-rather-be-sleeping-in-my-own-bed-in-California feeling. Ah, but no pity. A good night's sleep and I'll be as good as new tomorrow.
It is 5:15pm CA time, and Esther is going to bed.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Why not?
At 4:30 she finally gave in and made the coffee she had been thinking about all afternoon. Yummy.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Currently Reading
Just Jane: A Novel of Jane Austens Life
By Nancy Moser
"Unable to find her own Mr. Darcy, she created him." Sad! This quote is taken from the back cover of the above noted book.
My sis-in-law gave me this book for my birthday. It is a novel based on the life of Jane Austen. Mel said she had a hard time putting it down once she started reading it. It looks like the perfect book to read on the plane ride back to school. I can imagine that I'll be able to finish it during the semester, but that is probably wishful thinking. I was surprised how busy classes and study kept me this last semester. Crazy! But good. We did so much reading that when I was ready for some down time, a book was one of the last things I thought of. Just hanging with friends or a good doesn't-require-me-to-use-my-brain movie were the best relaxers.
Speaking of relaxing, this break at home has been perfect. When I first got home it seemed like four weeks was NOT going to be enough time at all, but the days have drifted by quite nicely. I'm afraid my good intentions of getting ahead on some reading for next semester have been just that: good intentions. Last night I was ashamed to realize that it had been three days since I last read my Bible. My first reaction was guilt, and then I realized that I was only hurting myself. God does not value me based on how much I read my Bible or how "good" I am. Bible study is for my own benefit. It is only through reading God's word that I will draw closer to Him and become more like His son through the renewing of my mind. How will I come to know God better if I do not spend time with Him? Time. It takes a conscious effort on my part. I sincerely hope to have a part-time job when I get back to school with the main purpose of building relationships with unbelievers. Neglecting my time with the Lord is certainly NOT going to help me in being a light to those around me.
Just Jane: A Novel of Jane Austens Life
By Nancy Moser
"Unable to find her own Mr. Darcy, she created him." Sad! This quote is taken from the back cover of the above noted book.
My sis-in-law gave me this book for my birthday. It is a novel based on the life of Jane Austen. Mel said she had a hard time putting it down once she started reading it. It looks like the perfect book to read on the plane ride back to school. I can imagine that I'll be able to finish it during the semester, but that is probably wishful thinking. I was surprised how busy classes and study kept me this last semester. Crazy! But good. We did so much reading that when I was ready for some down time, a book was one of the last things I thought of. Just hanging with friends or a good doesn't-require-me-to-use-my-brain movie were the best relaxers.
Speaking of relaxing, this break at home has been perfect. When I first got home it seemed like four weeks was NOT going to be enough time at all, but the days have drifted by quite nicely. I'm afraid my good intentions of getting ahead on some reading for next semester have been just that: good intentions. Last night I was ashamed to realize that it had been three days since I last read my Bible. My first reaction was guilt, and then I realized that I was only hurting myself. God does not value me based on how much I read my Bible or how "good" I am. Bible study is for my own benefit. It is only through reading God's word that I will draw closer to Him and become more like His son through the renewing of my mind. How will I come to know God better if I do not spend time with Him? Time. It takes a conscious effort on my part. I sincerely hope to have a part-time job when I get back to school with the main purpose of building relationships with unbelievers. Neglecting my time with the Lord is certainly NOT going to help me in being a light to those around me.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Coffee break
This morning I find myself back at my old workplace. And I love
it! Driving to work with Mark felt like the most natural thing in the
world. I was so thankful when Randy called me just after I got home and
asked if I was still interested in helping with the year end reports.
"Yes! I am definitely interested." I really enjoyed the work I did,
and it's nice to be able to do the W-2's, etc. one more time. The extra
cash will be nice for school too. :)
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