Wednesday, March 5, 2008

When it comes right down to it...

I'm considering working as a camp counselor this summer, and the following is taken from one of the applications:

"What is your conviction regarding the following topics and what standard of behavior have you set for yourself in each area?

Drinking alcoholic beverages
Non-prescribed drugs
Pre- or extramarital sex
Media/Entertainment (music, TV, movies, reading material, etc.)

(The list starts off pretty clear as far as definite convictions and standards, but it gets a bit more fuzzy towards the end.  "Hmmm.  What is my standard in this area?  Do I even have one?"  Now comes the clincher...)

"Please revisit the previous list and rate how successful you have been at keeping the standard you have set for yourself in each area.  Beside each topic, write the number between 0 and 10 that best describes your degree of success in that area.  If 0 = consistent, total failure and 10 = consistent, total perfection."

Yikes.  Convicting?

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