The Big Picture

A Puzzle Piece of God:

Blessed to have been born into a godly family, I put my faith in Christ at an early age and benefited from the spiritual investment of many godly men and women as I grew up.  As I grew in faith, I recognized the incredible value of discipleship.  I delighted in serving those around me and found great joy in seeing them grow in Christ.  After a number of years working in an accounting office, I sensed the Lord redirecting my life.  He showed me that the skills and experiences He’d given me could be used to expand the reach of the Gospel.

How I Fit Into God’s Picture:

After my training with New Tribes Mission, God allowed me to go back to New Tribes Bible Institute to serve in training and discipling aspiring missionaries.  At NTBI my accounting skills are used to fill an essential and practical need at the school.  I also serve as the Academic secretary and assistant to the Dean of Education.  NTBI provides two years of college-level Bible courses, progressing from Genesis to Revelation, emphasizing church planting among unreached people groups.  The environment promotes discipleship and growth which I experienced first-hand as a student.  Spiritual development during this time is crucial and helps provide a framework for the establishment and growth of future churches that will be raised up as the Gospel continues to be taken to those who have never heard.  Through my work in the business office, involvement in campus activities, and by opening my home, I am able to invest in the lives of students who are pursuing a life of ministry.

The Goal: Discipleship 

Christ told His followers to “make disciples… teaching them to obey all that I’ve commanded.”  (Matthew 28:19, 20God has put a strong desire in my heart to minister to students during this valuable time in their spiritual development.

 Just as the apostle Paul prayed for the church in Philippi, it is my fervent hope “that [their] love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that [they] may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God."  (Philippians 1:9-11)

 The Big Picture:

There are still roughly 2,500 people groups with no church, no Bible, and no access to the Gospel because nobody else speaks their language.  These are the people among whom New Tribes Mission works.  No access means they have no opportunity to believe and be saved.

“How can they believe in the One of whom they’ve not heard?  And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”  Romans 10:14-15 

NTM's focus is not only to plant tribal churches, but also to see them grow to maturity - to grow in the knowledge and love of God and to become instruments of outreach as they in turn seek to fulfill the Great Commission in their own communities and beyond.

How YOU Can Be A Part:

The most important way to partner with me is in prayer.  Without prayer nothing of value can be accomplished.  If you would like to receive my prayer card, please let me know.  I can be reached at  "Continue earnestly in prayer...that God would open to us a door for the Word..." Colossians 4:2-3

Also, I could not serve here without the financial support of God's people.  If you would like to partner with me in this way or even give a one-time gift, please click here. With the countless charities, missionaries, and organizations that deserve our resources, I am humbled by the people who have chosen to partner with me through their finances. Each person is an integral part of reaching the lost - none of us can go if we are not sent.   "For we are God's fellow workers..." 1 Corinthians 3:9