I will be working as a counselor at a Christian summer camp down in Mississippi from May 19 - July 12 (approximately), and I am totally thrilled. The cause of yesterday's post was because initially when the assistant director called, he asked if I would be willing to work with the rafting program. "Rafting? As in white-water?" Sounds fun, BUT .... I've never had any experience in a boat of any sort, and to be asked to be in charge of a group of 13-14 year old girls, setting up camp every night, cooking over the fire....Whoa. Intimidating!! Can I really do that?? "Well, Lord, I did tell you I would be willing to do whatever they needed me to do." So I said "yes, I'll do it" after a few questions to clarify what my responsibilities would be, etc. He had a couple more things to confirm with a few other people, but said he's call back shortly.
In that length of time I was able to have a good talk with God and be reminded that no matter where God leads me, He will provide for whatever I need. Helping to lead a rafting trip would definitely stretch me, but I was willing to go with it. Whew! Trust God. It's a good place to be. I am learning not to shy away from the unknown.
All that to say that when he called back, he said they decided to have me be a girls counselor. Bummer? A little bit. The camp program is for younger ages (7-12) and I am confident that I will find myself in "stretching" experiences even on dry ground at camp. (Crying, homesick children waking me up in the middle of the night, wet beds, learning to work with the other staff, etc.) He did mention the possibility of having me go through the lifeguard training too. Now there's something I never would have considered.
I am really looking forward to the summer, but I have a feeling it is going to fly by at the same time. Classes end May 15, the seniors graduate on May 17, and May 18 will find Liz and I loaded into her car and headed for the South. Whoo-hoo! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I will have roughly three weeks at home before heading back to school for the next semester. Whew! Life is an adventure when you walk with the Lord.
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