The colors were amazing!

I would like to know exactly what that building is/was used for. The grill-like roof look suspiciously charred...

The gravestones in the older part of the cemetery were very spread out and sparce.

Dear friend Lindsey.

I loved walking through the piles of leaves and listening to the crunching sound.

Rochelle is another "little sister" I will love for life. I'm so thankful we are both freshmen together.

Can you say "imposing?" This is definitely the largest grave marker I have ever seen. And the strange thing is, it was out in the middle of the woods all by itself with the exception of a few other gravestones.

To put things a bit more in perspective, Lindsey is 6' 2". Yes, this thing was definitely a monster.

Note the random grave stones.

hee, hee! Don't tell Rochelle I posted this one. She'd be mortified.

The End(s).
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