The low for tonight is supposed to be 29*, but tomorrow's high should be a balmy 29*.
Can you say "nippy?"
Good grief. If I'm getting choked up over saying
good-bye for Thanksgiving weekend, what in the world am I going to be
like at Christmas?? Or next SUMMER???
I'm off to Indiana for four days. Hurrah!
We did not have normal classes today because of Day of Prayer, so
yesterday afternoon Lindsey, Rochelle, Hanna, Chloe (R & H's friend
from Guinea) and I took advantage of, shall we say, the lack of urgency
to do homework and went to the old cemetery in town. It was a beautiful
afternoon. I wish my camera could have captured the colors better.
The colors were amazing!
I would like to know exactly what that building is/was used for. The grill-like roof look suspiciously charred...
The gravestones in the older part of the cemetery were very spread out and sparce.
Dear friend Lindsey.
I loved walking through the piles of leaves and listening to the crunching sound.
Rochelle is another "little sister" I will love for life. I'm so thankful we are both freshmen together.
you say "imposing?" This is definitely the largest grave marker I have
ever seen. And the strange thing is, it was out in the middle of the
woods all by itself with the exception of a few other gravestones.
To put things a bit more in perspective, Lindsey is 6' 2". Yes, this thing was definitely a monster.
Note the random grave stones.
hee, hee! Don't tell Rochelle I posted this one. She'd be mortified. 
The End(s).