In other news, I have now graduated from New Tribes Bible Institute. It was a fantastic two years that has truly changed my life. At this time it is my plan to continue with the training of New Tribes Mission and to enter the work of missions full time. The Bible school is the first phase of New Tribes's missionary training. The second phase focuses on culture and cross-cultural ministry, language and linguistics, Bible teaching and other church-planting skills, as well as many practical skills that will be useful in living in a remote setting. Some of these skills include things such as how to butcher a chicken, basic electronics, baking and cooking from scratch, some basic medical skills including administering shots, and so forth. Lord willing, I will be going to Missouri in January to attend the Missionary Training Center. This training is another year and a half.
In the meantime, I will be leaving for the Philippines on Monday with a group from my church. We will be meeting up with a team from Ashland, OH and working with some missionaries and the local church on the island of Boracay. The church ministers to the children of the island by feeding them and teaching them through Bible stories and lessons. The church has eighteen different feeding sites around this 5x2 mile island, and they reach roughly 1000 children each week. We will also be helping them with a construction project. This will be my first time overseas, and I am eager for the opportunity to work alongside members of the body of Christ in a different culture and setting than I am used to. The language on Boracay is primarily English, but it is still a different culture, so I know that communication will be different as well. I would appreciate your prayers over the next two weeks. The trip will be from Monday July 6 to Monday July 20. My prayer is the God will be glorified through HIS church during our visit.

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