This morning one of my teachers pointed out that we are almost half way through the semester. Crikey! This semester does not feel like it is going fast, but when you look at it that way... Tomorrow ends our second of five blocks. In our first block we went through Philippians, 1&2 Thessalonians, and Daniel. Daniel and Revelation are being studied together. (My teacher says that trying to study Revelation without first studying Daniel is like skipping to the end of a mystery novel. The ending just won't make sense without the beginning.) This block we are finishing Colossians/Philemon, and 1 Timothy. I am also in the middle of Ezra/Nehemiah/Esther and Partnership Development for my electives. Thursday we will be starting Eschatology (the study of the end times), 2 Timothy/Titus, and Revelation. So many good things to learn! So many good things to apply.
God is continually and faithfully challenging and changing my thinking to come in line with HIS thinking. And it all happens through the study of His word. It is amazing just how much our thinking affects the way we live. We can say we believe the Bible, but what is our life demonstrating? What evidences in our life show that we truly do believe what God says is true about us, about life, about what it means to live godly in this present age?
This being my last semester here at NTBI (gasp!) I am spending as much time as I can with the staff here. It has been such a blessing to have these relationships in my life. I am not looking forward to the good-byes that will have to be said in May, but I am thankful that these friendships are some that wil last a lifetime. They are family.

Me and my dorm "mom." Several of us girls are over at our dorm parent's house every Friday or Saturday. I love it. It is like going home for the evening.
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