The seniors have graduated, the good-byes have been said, and the
tears have finally stopped. (More or less anyway.) My first year at
New Tribes is completed, and I can't wait to go back again in August.
It was so hard saying good-bye to so many people. I never would have
guessed that I would become so close in such a relatively short length
of time. Right now I am down ("down" from Michigan, that is) in Ohio
with Liz my RA. We will be leaving early Monday morning to drive down
to camp in Mississippi. I'm not sure how much internet access I will
have while I'm down there, so this might be a final post of sorts, at
least until I go home in July.
I appreciate all your prayers.
It is so strange to be moving on to something else completely new like
this right after finishing school, but I'm looking forward to it. Right
now I am still tired from all the emotions and happenings of that last
week at school, but I know God's grace will be sufficient. I am praying
that during the course of the summer the Lord will turn all of the
knowledge that has been crammed into my head over the last eight months and turn it into "shoe leather" wisdom.
a side note, I will post my mailing address as a protected post. If
you don't know whether or not you are on my list, just check. : ) Or
just message me and I'll send it to you that way. Mail will be most
appreciated! (hint, hint) Since I won't be counting on xanga for
updating, I'll have to do some snail mail myself.
Until we meet again, God bless!
What exactly is the purpose of this blog? Random life tidbits and hopefully a means of encouraging others along the way.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Next on the agenda...
Classes are over and the school (or at least our dorm) is in a packing frenzy. That's all I have time for right now.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Nephew or niece?
I'm going to be an aunt!! Congratulations, Seth and Mel!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!

A couple days ago I was asked the following question: "If you were stuck on a deserted island with any one person, who would it be?"
Mom, I realized that I would pick you. I love you. I will never be able to fully express how grateful I am for all that you had done in and for my life.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Class picture
How do I even begin to describe how dear these people have become to me over the past school year? My time here at school has been so richly blessed. These relationship will last beyond a lifetime. Heaven is going to be a wonderful place. I can not place a value on the knowledge I have gained can here either. The other day one of the deans said that he had figured up that in order to receive the same Bible teaching we are being taught in eighteen months, the average person would have to attend church for forty-three years. Wow. What a privilege.
Special times. Brothers and sisters for life.
Monday, May 5, 2008
What does it really mean to be a Christian?
I am currently working on a paper for my 1 Corinthians class on
"Christians and sin and holiness." We are required to address the
following questions in the paper:
- Is God concerned with a believer's conduct or holiness in life?
- Can a believer sin?
- Can a believer lose their salvation because of poor conduct or sin?
- Is a person's sinful lifestyle just proof that their faith wasn't genuine? They were never saved otherwise they wouldn't have sinned habitually?
- Can a person who lives a wicked lifestyle be a saved person?
- What are the biblical factors that motivate a believer to a life of holiness? Fellowship with God? Chastening? Reward? Ministry? Christ's love? Are there others?
- Is a faithful walk possible for the believer? If so, how is it possible?
- Will God reward faithfulness?
- If so, when will God reward faithfulness?
- On what basis will actions or conduct be evaluated? What is unacceptable? What is acceptable?
- If God rewards faithfulness, what are those rewards?
- Are rewards eternal? Or are they temporary? Do we give away any rewards that we receive? Many teach that the elders casting the crowns before the throne is proof that rewards are returned to Christ. How do you view this position biblically?
- How should these truths impact your life?
Fascinating study! It has provided much food for thought. The book noted below has been very interesting so far too. (I'm only on chapter 2.)
- Is God concerned with a believer's conduct or holiness in life?
- Can a believer sin?
- Can a believer lose their salvation because of poor conduct or sin?
- Is a person's sinful lifestyle just proof that their faith wasn't genuine? They were never saved otherwise they wouldn't have sinned habitually?
- Can a person who lives a wicked lifestyle be a saved person?
- What are the biblical factors that motivate a believer to a life of holiness? Fellowship with God? Chastening? Reward? Ministry? Christ's love? Are there others?
- Is a faithful walk possible for the believer? If so, how is it possible?
- Will God reward faithfulness?
- If so, when will God reward faithfulness?
- On what basis will actions or conduct be evaluated? What is unacceptable? What is acceptable?
- If God rewards faithfulness, what are those rewards?
- Are rewards eternal? Or are they temporary? Do we give away any rewards that we receive? Many teach that the elders casting the crowns before the throne is proof that rewards are returned to Christ. How do you view this position biblically?
- How should these truths impact your life?
Fascinating study! It has provided much food for thought. The book noted below has been very interesting so far too. (I'm only on chapter 2.)
Currently Reading Grace in Eclipse By Zane Hodges see related |
Friday, May 2, 2008
Summer plans
I seem to have quite unintentionally alarmed several people with
yesterday's post. No, I am not going to Africa or China. (Not at this
point anyway.) It is actually quite mild compared to anything like
that. I've simply received my orders for this summer...

I will be working as a counselor at a Christian summer camp down in Mississippi from May 19 - July 12 (approximately), and I am totally thrilled. The cause of yesterday's post was because initially when the assistant director called, he asked if I would be willing to work with the rafting program. "Rafting? As in white-water?" Sounds fun, BUT .... I've never had any experience in a boat of any sort, and to be asked to be in charge of a group of 13-14 year old girls, setting up camp every night, cooking over the fire....Whoa. Intimidating!! Can I really do that?? "Well, Lord, I did tell you I would be willing to do whatever they needed me to do." So I said "yes, I'll do it" after a few questions to clarify what my responsibilities would be, etc. He had a couple more things to confirm with a few other people, but said he's call back shortly.
In that length of time I was able to have a good talk with God and be reminded that no matter where God leads me, He will provide for whatever I need. Helping to lead a rafting trip would definitely stretch me, but I was willing to go with it. Whew! Trust God. It's a good place to be. I am learning not to shy away from the unknown.
All that to say that when he called back, he said they decided to have me be a girls counselor. Bummer? A little bit. The camp program is for younger ages (7-12) and I am confident that I will find myself in "stretching" experiences even on dry ground at camp. (Crying, homesick children waking me up in the middle of the night, wet beds, learning to work with the other staff, etc.) He did mention the possibility of having me go through the lifeguard training too. Now there's something I never would have considered.
I am really looking forward to the summer, but I have a feeling it is going to fly by at the same time. Classes end May 15, the seniors graduate on May 17, and May 18 will find Liz and I loaded into her car and headed for the South. Whoo-hoo! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I will have roughly three weeks at home before heading back to school for the next semester. Whew! Life is an adventure when you walk with the Lord.

I will be working as a counselor at a Christian summer camp down in Mississippi from May 19 - July 12 (approximately), and I am totally thrilled. The cause of yesterday's post was because initially when the assistant director called, he asked if I would be willing to work with the rafting program. "Rafting? As in white-water?" Sounds fun, BUT .... I've never had any experience in a boat of any sort, and to be asked to be in charge of a group of 13-14 year old girls, setting up camp every night, cooking over the fire....Whoa. Intimidating!! Can I really do that?? "Well, Lord, I did tell you I would be willing to do whatever they needed me to do." So I said "yes, I'll do it" after a few questions to clarify what my responsibilities would be, etc. He had a couple more things to confirm with a few other people, but said he's call back shortly.
In that length of time I was able to have a good talk with God and be reminded that no matter where God leads me, He will provide for whatever I need. Helping to lead a rafting trip would definitely stretch me, but I was willing to go with it. Whew! Trust God. It's a good place to be. I am learning not to shy away from the unknown.
All that to say that when he called back, he said they decided to have me be a girls counselor. Bummer? A little bit. The camp program is for younger ages (7-12) and I am confident that I will find myself in "stretching" experiences even on dry ground at camp. (Crying, homesick children waking me up in the middle of the night, wet beds, learning to work with the other staff, etc.) He did mention the possibility of having me go through the lifeguard training too. Now there's something I never would have considered.
I am really looking forward to the summer, but I have a feeling it is going to fly by at the same time. Classes end May 15, the seniors graduate on May 17, and May 18 will find Liz and I loaded into her car and headed for the South. Whoo-hoo! Out of the frying pan and into the fire. I will have roughly three weeks at home before heading back to school for the next semester. Whew! Life is an adventure when you walk with the Lord.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
This afternoon I was reminded that when you tell God you are
willing to do "whatever He wants you to do," you had better be prepared
to take whatever comes your way.
More details to follow. (Have I mentioned that a life lived for Christ is anything but boring?)
More details to follow. (Have I mentioned that a life lived for Christ is anything but boring?)
Currently Reading Called to Be Saints : An Exposition of 1.Corinthians By Robert Gromacki see related |
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