Sunday, March 30, 2008


The surprise was a complete success.  I flew home for spring break unbeknownst to my family.  (Mark was the only one who was in-the-know.)  I had plane troubles in Denver and had to hang around for an extra five hours.  I wasn't sure if Mom and Dad would still be awake by the time I made it home (dear friend Michelle had kindly agreed to pick me up from the airport), but there was no need for worry.  Mark to the rescue!  When he found out I was stuck in Denver, he called up the folks: "How about watching 'The Two Towers' tonight?"  Perfect.  They were all wrapped up in the movie when I quietly walked in the front door.  Even Peter had gotten off work earlier than usual that night, so the whole family was there.  I was standing just off to the side of Dad's recliner when he noticed I was there.  He stared at me blankly for a moment, and then his mouth dropped open.  Their reactions were perfect.  "What are you doing here?!"  And hugs all around. 

It is nice to be home for a bit, especially since I don't know how much I'll be home this summer.  I have applied to work at a camp in Mississippi (bring on the humidity and friendly southern mosquitoes), so it will depend on how long they need me, etc.  I have also asked to consider being a student leader at school next year, and they will be having a training retreat for all of us a week or so before school starts, so I'll have to be back there early for that too.  But it's all right.  I am excited for these new opportunities and for all that I will be learning.  

And, yes.  I am loving this weather.  I didn't realize how much I missed GREEN until I looked out my window Saturday morning.  Wow!!  There are LEAVES on the trees!!  Beautiful!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Today has felt like an early spring day back home.  Not too cold, and wonderful, glorious rain!  But now the rain has turned into gigantic, sloppy snow flakes.  Oh, well.  Spring will come.  Eventually.

We started a new block of classes yesterday: Christology, Acts, and I Corinthians.  I am super excited about Acts and Corinthians.  So good!!  We have whopper papers due in all three classes, but I don't mind.  The thought of a 2700 word paper doesn't scare like it would have last semester.  I am continuing to learn so much.  This morning as I was sitting in Christology I was praying that the Lord would help me to get more out of the class.  I just didn't feel like I was getting what I should.  He immediately smacked me in the forehead.  (Spiritually speaking, of course.)  I realized I was basing what I thought I was learning on my feelings.  Just because I don't have the warm fuzzies, does not mean I am not learning.  In fact, over the last several weeks I have discovered that I learned a whole lot more last semester than I realized.  By immersing myself in God's word for hours and hours each day, God has been transforming my thinking.  It is exciting to realize that that has been solely the work of the Holy Spirit.  It is nothing I have done or can do in and of myself.  It is all by the power of God's word.  "The word of God is living and active."  I find that everything that I take in throughout the day - teaching in class, media, conversations, books, movies, music, media, etc. - is being run through a filter, if you will, based on the word of God.  "Is that right?  What does the Bible say about that?"  The crazy thing is that I first realized this was happening when I was singing in church.  Part of the lyrics didn't quite line up, and I found myself thinking, "Wait a minute...  That's not biblical."  Wow.

God's word is amazing.  Study it.  Memorize it.  It will change your life.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

More room for growth

Our current block of classes is deliciously light on homework.  Only two classes - Anthropology & Hamartiology (man and sin), and two hours of Life of Christ.  Yesterday in Man & Sin we had a really interesting discussion about where/how we receive the immaterial aspects of our being (soul, spirit, personality, etc.)  Do they come from our parents?  It is obvious that there are traits of our personality that come from our parents, but what about our soul?  I also used to think that when a baby is conceived God gives them a soul at that time.  The soul is spiritual and uniquely our own.  Of course it doesn't come from the parents.  (Again, my own original thought process.)  But if this is the case, how does the sin nature come into play?  If our soul comes from God, does that mean He gives us a corrupt soul?  That's doesn't seem to make sense.  The Bible tells us that the sin nature is passed down through the father, so do we somehow receive our soul and spirit from our parents right along with our 46 chromosomes?  Like I said, it was an interesting discussion.

But all that is just a side note.  Acts will be one of the classes for our remaining two blocks, so I am reading ahead, in a sense, for my devotions.  This morning I was reading the story of Peter's miraculous release from prison:

(The notes added in italics are my own commentary, if you will.)

"So Peter was kept in prison, but prayer was being made fervently by the church of God...And when Peter realized [he had been rescued], he went to the house of Mary...where many were gathered together and were praying.  And when [Rhoda] recognized Peter's voice...ran in and announced that Peter (for whom they were fervently praying) was standing in front of the gate.  And they said to her, 'You are out of your mind!'  (Paraphrased: "You're crazy!  Why would Peter be here?  Afterall, we are praying to the all-powerful God of heaven and earth for his deliverance.  What makes you think Peter would actually be here??"  Hmmm...something doesn't seem to line up here.)  ...And when they opened the door and saw [Peter], they were amazed."  Acts 12:5, 12-16

You mean God really does answer our most "impossible" prayers?  And why wouldn't He.  Too often I am just like these early Christians.  I find myself amazed when God responds positively to my prayers.  Since coming back to NTBI after Christmas break, my growing knowledge and understanding of God keeps making Him bigger and bigger, but I am still trapped in a finite mind.  I often find myself relating to the father of the demon possessed boy in Mark 9:

Lord, I do believe.  Please help my unbelief.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

When it comes right down to it...

I'm considering working as a camp counselor this summer, and the following is taken from one of the applications:

"What is your conviction regarding the following topics and what standard of behavior have you set for yourself in each area?

Drinking alcoholic beverages
Non-prescribed drugs
Pre- or extramarital sex
Media/Entertainment (music, TV, movies, reading material, etc.)

(The list starts off pretty clear as far as definite convictions and standards, but it gets a bit more fuzzy towards the end.  "Hmmm.  What is my standard in this area?  Do I even have one?"  Now comes the clincher...)

"Please revisit the previous list and rate how successful you have been at keeping the standard you have set for yourself in each area.  Beside each topic, write the number between 0 and 10 that best describes your degree of success in that area.  If 0 = consistent, total failure and 10 = consistent, total perfection."

Yikes.  Convicting?