Friday, November 6, 2015

Hello, fall!

November is upon us and the students here at New Tribes Bible Institute (NTBI) have been going hard and strong all semester.  Thanksgiving is just a few short weeks away, and I know they are all looking forward to a break. Following is the current class schedule:

8:00 - Hermeneutics 1
10:00 - Pentateuch (Finishing Numbers today...)
11:00 - Pentateuch (...and beginning Deuteronomy)

8:00 - Christology (The doctrine of Jesus Christ - His person and work)
10:00 - Acts
11:00 - Acts

8:00 - Pneumatology (The doctrine of the Holy Spirit)
10:00 - 2 Corinthians (One of my personal favorites in the New Testament)
11:00 - James/Jude

Chapel is during the 9:00 hour and electives are held in the afternoons.  Currently in progress are Foundations for Learning, Psalms, Understanding Suffering, and Love of God.

This is my fourth fall in Michigan, and I finally remembered to be intentional with the small window of time available to really see the autumn colors at their peak.  A few weeks ago I rounded up a couple students and we went for a drive (after stopping at the local coffee shop) and soaked in the beauty of the countryside.  The afternoon was overcast and turned a bit rainy, but it was a good time of fellowship and the girls appreciated a break from homework and the normal routine.

We stopped at a local farm for a look around and fresh donuts.  Donuts and apple cider are a big Michigan thing in the fall. 

I don't know about you, but these giants are looking a bit tired to me.  :)

The neighborhoods where I like to walk are also full of trees.  Sometimes I feel like my eyes just can't get enough!  :)

This variety of maple is my favorite.  I love the reds and golds and green all blended together on the same tree.

The park directly behind my house.  It's nice to have a bit of country in the middle of town.

Kayla is one of my regular walking buddies and a very good friend.  She graduated from NTBI in May, but returned to serve for a year as an intern in the Mobilization department.  Our friendship had begun to develop into something deeper just before she graduated, so I'm delighted to have her around a while longer.  It's a joy to see her continuing to grow in her walk with the Lord, her enthusiasm for the work she's doing to help promote the Bible school and raise awareness of the need for more missionaries, and her excitement to move forward to the next phase of training with New Tribes Mission.