Monday, November 25, 2013

A little behind, but no less thankful

This month has turned out to be incredibly busy, and last week was the worst.  I say "worst" for lack of a better word.  It wasn't a bad week, just extremely...full.  Part of the busyness was due to catching the flu at the beginning of the month and the subsequent recovery and catch up at work.  Add to the normal daily routine and work schedule:
  • Endeavoring to compile a multimedia presentation for my church that had a looming deadline (a new undertaking for my technologically challenged brain), 
  • Learning and assuming new tasks and responsibilities as assistant to the dean of education, a new ministry I'll be taking on more fully in January,
  • Helping organize, prepare for, and execute the Christmas decorating at the school,
  • And multiple consecutive evenings away from home for church responsibilities or other commitments and you've got....
A life just like everyone else's as some point or another.  Crazy busy?  Yes.  Crazy full of God's grace, faithfulness, strength, and provision?  Always yes.  And for that, I'm very thankful.

I'm also thankful for friends who I know are faithfully praying for me...

For last Thursday's lunch date of grilled cheese and tomato soup with a good friend...

For all the enthusiasm and help decorating the school for Christmas...  (Side note: You wouldn't believe how much it means to the students to see the school decked for Christmas.  By this time their brains are filled to overflowing, and the Christmas cheer is a big encouragement.)

For a day at home on Saturday to get some much needed rest...

For the girls who came over Saturday evening and filled the house with laughter and good company...

For sleeping so soundly each night...

And for today.  Monday.  A new day and the start of a new week.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 20

I'm thankful I inherited Mom's curly hair.  It was very curly when I was little, then went into hiding until my late 20's.

"What?  You're thankful for your hair?"

Sure! Paul said "in everything give thanks," and I'd say hair definitely falls in the the "everything" category.  Besides, I like seeing a little bit of Mom when I look in the mirror.  :)

But my curls are nothing compared to this Goldilocks.  She really inherited her grandma's hair.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 19

Today I'm thankful for this birthday boy and the fun memories we share together.

Love you, Jake!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 18

Music!  The incredibly creative minds God's given some men and women to compose and produce it amazes me.  What would life be like without music?

The Piano Guys are one of my current favorite music makers.  :)

Oh, to have a piano again...


And then there's Steve and his cello.  

I can only imagine what the music will be like in heaven.  (Crank it up!  Right, Dad?)


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 15, 16 and 17

Day 15 - Winter is coming.  As I wake up on the increasingly chilly mornings, I'm always thankful for a warm house and bed.

Day - 16 - I'm so thankful for my home church.  I grew up in this church in more ways than one.  Tonight I was able to skype with them during their annual Thanksgiving celebration.  (Hurrah again for technology!)

Day - 17 - I'm also very thankful for my new church family here in Michigan. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 14

I woke up this morning.

And for that I am truly thankful.  :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 13

Today I'm thankful for the children God has placed in my life.  My nieces and nephews might be far away in California, but I have plenty of children to love on right here.

At some point last year, one of the kids decided I should tell a story while we were waiting for Awana to start.  "And you have to make it up.  It can't be one we've heard before."  The story now continues from week to week.

Several families on staff went camping together in October.  The girls far outnumbered the boys.  :)

The preschoolers in child care last year.  I helped out with their class every Friday morning.

My cute little downstairs neighbor.  His folks also work at NTBI, so I get to play with him when I help in the nursery.  

"Jesus loves the little children..."
And so do I.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 12

It's kind of silly, but I keep finding myself almost overwhelmed trying to decide what to be thankful for each day.  "How can I choose just one thing?"


Today I'm thankful for my co-workers.  Blessed! blessed! blessed!  These two ladies are particularly special to me. 


Conni (left) came on staff just a couple weeks before I did, and due to some housing issues, I ended up staying with her in tiny apartment for the first five or so weeks until my own apartment became available.  We didn't know each other very well at all, but we hit it off tremendously well.  We've both said that if a house had been available where we could each have our own room, we would gladly have continued living together.  It's a good thing we got along as well as we did, because our living quarters were very tight.  Almost comically so.  :)

As it turned out, I ended up moving into a duplex with Lisa.  Her apartment was on the floor level, and mine was/is upstairs.  Lisa's gentle spirit, wisdom, and open walk with the Lord bless me time and time again.  Last year we were "dorm moms" together, and it was a pleasure getting to know her as we did things together with our seven dorm daughters.  Did I mention her Irish accent?  I could listen to her all day.

These are only two of the many who are becoming like family to me.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 10 and 11

Day 10 - Yesterday I was thinking (again) how amazing technology is.  "What do you mean I can call someone on my phone and actually see them while we're talking?" 

I like that. :)

Hey, you cute little niece!

Day 11 - I'm often thankful for God's unchanging faithfulness, and the changing seasons are always a fresh reminder.  Today there were equal cries of delight and despair heard throughout the school as we received our first real dusting of snow.

"...if we are faithless, He remains faithful; for He cannot deny Himself."  2 Timothy 2:13

Sorry, no pictures of the snow.  Maybe tomorrow if it hasn't melted away.  But even if it does melt, there will be plenty more to come.  :)

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 9

Today I'm thankful for where God has brought me in life.  For the experiences and opportunities He's given me that all seem to have led me to where I am today.  And I can't imagine being happier.

For more details, click on the Big Picture tab above.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 8

Today I'm thankful for the prayers of a child.  I found a letter in my mail box this morning, and the envelope bore the distinct handwriting of a young child.  It totally made my day.  This boy's oldest brother was one of my Sparks in Awana when I was the Sparks director at my church years ago.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 7

I'm thankful that my brothers are some of my closest friends.  Happy birthday, Peter!  You know how to make me laugh better than anyone else. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 6

See that car down there?  The white one?  That's what I'm thankful for today.  That car and I have seen a lot of miles together.  223+ thousand mile's worth in fact.  Its a good little car, and I'm hoping the Lord will give us many more miles together.

As a bonus, here's a picture of Michelle keeping me company while I'm sick.  Good of you, Michelle!  I'm thankful for you too, and the many years we've been friends.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 5

I'm thankful that the flu bug that hit me this afternoon is NOT of the stomach variety.  (Eh, Mom?)

I'm thankful that I have an old friend from out of town to keep me company.

And I'm thankful I have Cheez-its in the house this time around.  :)

Now.....back to my tea, lounging on the couch, and watching old movies.

This was snapped this afternoon just before I succumbed.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 4

I'm thankful that seven years ago today, this dear friend became my sister.  Love you, Kristine!  And well done, Mark.  :)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 3

I'm thankful for a world with color.

The view from my living room window

On the street where I live

A little welcome for the front porch

The school's back yard

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thanksgiving - Day 2

Do you need a translator to read the text in the picture below?

Neither do I.  To have the word of God in my own language is something for which I'm so very, very thankful.

The Siawi people of Papua New Guinea recently received the New Testament in their own heart language for the very first time, but there are still so many more people groups who are without any form of scripture or access to the gospel because no one else speaks their language.

Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving

Let's start with these dear people. 

Spring 2012

Plus one.  :)

May 2013