I'm an auntie!
Proud daddy, happy mommy, and little Jacob Lee.
I can't wait to see him at Christmas!
Yesterday it suddenly occurred to me that stores are probably carrying eggnog by now.
Yum. :)
How did it get to be November? How did it get to be almost the middle of November?? Ah, well.
from a cold Michigan! There have been snow flakes flurrying around in
the air the last few days. Saturday I landed a raking job with my good
friend Rochelle. The job stretched into five hours, and the rain and
snow held off until just as we were finishing. It was quite the job,
but it felt good to be doing something more physical. But oh, my achin'
back the next day! Whew! They were a dear old couple, and we really
enjoyed the day in spite of the cold. (It stayed in the low 40's.) We
warmed up by sharing a pumpkin spice latte on the way home.
lady would like us to come back this Saturday too, which is an answer to
prayer. I have not been able to find a job yet, and I am really going
to need one for next semester. Money has never been a concern for me,
and it has been another area in which "exercise my faith muscles" and
trust God to provide. I would appreciate your prayers in this matter.
As you are praying, please keep Rochelle in mind as well. She is a
"missionary kid" from Guinea, W. Africa and has become a very close
friend. She too has been unable to find a job, and she is just barely
making it financially. God has been faithful to bring in just what she
needs when she needs it, which has been a very encouraging lesson in
faith for the both of us. It is going to take a miracle for her to make
the initial payment in January, but we serve a big God. Thank you for
praying with us. It means so much to me whenever someone tells me that
they are praying for me. If you would like to help financially in any
way, please feel free to message me for more information. (For those
who might not know, New Tribes Bible Institute is the first phase of
training for New Tribes Mission.)
As a little side note, I filled
up my gas tank yesterday for an amazing $1.96/gal. Who would have
thought! I don't know what gas prices are like in the rest of the
country, but they have been simply plummeting here. Hopefully it will
keep up this trend through Thanksgiving. I am planning to drive down to
IN to spend the holiday with my uncle and his family. My friend Hanna
(another MK from Guinea) will be going down with me. Should be fun!
are going very well. It is hard to believe that my brain can actually
hold anything more. The phrase "drinking out of a fire hydrant" can
definitely apply to my studies here at NTBI. I am currently taking
Ephesians, 1 & 2 Peter, Soteriology (the doctrine of salvation),
Christian Apologetics, and Covenant/Reformed Theology. It has been neat
to see how much Ephesians and Peter overlaps. A few weeks ago I sat
down to read Ephesians (I needed a break from Romans), and I was
completely overwhelmed by what God has done for me. Read the first
three chapters and make note of how many times the phrases "in Christ,"
"in Him" is used. And it was all according to the kind intention of
God's will. It was His pleasure! Amazing. Part of our homework for
this class has been to read through the book each night. That
is a good way to get familiar with it. And each time I read it, I
notice something new. God is continually and faithfully changing and
conforming my thinking to His. It is a beautiful thing.
"The word of God is living and active..."
Hanna, Rochelle, and me. Dear friends.