Sunday, July 29, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I really should post something...

"Never do today what you can put of till tomorrow.  Or something like that."  - Bernard Walton

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

Life changes

As I was putting together my lunch last night, it hit me that this is my last week here at work.  After nine years.  My last week.  I won't be back next Monday.  I don't think it has fully sunk in yet.  I am thrilled to be going to NTBI, but I am really going to miss working here.  It has been a good job, and I have had several excellent people to work with.  I am going to miss seeing them day in and day out.

Life changes.  The new changes ahead of me are so unknown that I really have very few expectations.  Someone asked me yesterday if I'm nervous about going to a school where I don't know anyone.  I can't honestly say that I am at this point.  We'll see how I feel as it gets closer to the departure date.  I am definitely not looking forward to the good-byes.

But we won't talk about that right now. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Edit: One day down, four to go.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Just when you think you know someone...

There I was sitting on the sofa minding my own business when brother Peter walks into the room:

"Did you ever stop to think that I might be a Russian spy?"

......umm, no?

That guy cracks me up.  The drive to Michigan will be anything but boring.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


This morning finds me enjoying a cool breeze and toast with peanut butter and marmalade.  I'm off to work shortly to tackle my quarterly reports.  I prefer working on them when the office is nice and quiet and free of interruptions.  It will be just me, the printer, and whichever CD takes my fancy.  The "Little Women" soundtrack usually ends up being my report-processing companion.  After nine years, this will most likely be my last Saturday at work.  It has been a good nine years.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Friday night plans

The work week is over and tells me that it is currently 102* outside.  Compared to yesterday's 109* it feels positively delightful!

I would like nothing more than to sack out on the sofa with a good movie tonight, but I am going to force myself out of my chair, exercise my self-control and GO TO THE GYM.  It has been too long since I last visited that fine establishment and I can feel myself getting lazier and lazier.

Tonight's gym memorization: Philippians 3.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

More prep

Whew! Yesterday was definitely a scorcher.  It was still 105* at 6:30pm.  I could feel my skin burning just walking down the street.  But at least it was a dry heat.  You didn't feel like you were going to suffocate as soon as you stepped out of the house.  From what I hear, such will not be the case back in Michigan.... 
More school shopping yesterday.  This handy little chair should do nicely for studying in the dorm.  I'm looking forward to meeting my roommates.  I'm sure it will take some getting used to having never shared a room before, but I'm excited about it all the same.  I am praying for them even now.  It's it neat to have a God who does not need me to pray for these girls specifically by name?  He knows who they are.

Have I mentioned that I'm excited about going to Bible school?